Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today, The Children and I have been testing each other's boundaries.  They have discovered that I will only spend one hour on the internet searching for animal coloring pages to print out for them, and I have learned that after 40 different searches for coloring pages my neck can no longer support my head and will fall repeatedly onto my keyboard.  After failing to procure a suitable coloring page for Boy Child, I ousted him from my computer room and went and hid in the bathroom to get some good reading in. Apparently, I'm a bad hider. I think Boy Child has a radar attached to me somewhere because as soon as that bathroom door shuts, he's knocking on it.

Today went like this: 

The Children: There is nothing to do.

Me: GO outside! Use your imagination.

The Children: Our imagination is broken.  When does 'Mater get hoooooooooooome? 

Fortunately, 'Mater got home in time to deal with the toilet that started to overflow (I really don't have to mention what was in it, do I?!) and, at the same time, play locksmith because one of The Children locked their bedroom door and then shut the door as they both exited the room.

At this point, I figured my wrangling duties were over and I was well within reason to make myself a Screwdriver.  Upon getting ice for my second drink, The Children noticed the orange juice, grabbed their cups, and poured the rest of the juice into them. They thought it highly amusing when I screamed out "Nooooooo!".  Let me just say that Vodka does not taste great with White Grape Juice but I'm betting I'm not the first Step-mom to make that palate sacrifice.

Conclusion: There needs to be more orange juice in this house.  I wonder if orange trees grow in Virginia...?

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