Sunday, July 22, 2012

Child Labor - why not? They like to help

The East Coast has experienced unusual weather as of late.  106 degrees to torrential rain to 120% humidity. Massive Suck Factor. You walk outside and you have walked into a sauna - steam, heat, and with none of the amenities of a nice spa. Suck it Arizona, Virginia has you beat this year. Try some HUMIDITY! And with this fun weather, has come some spectacular dew. This is what The Children did with it.

On My Car.
My Car That We Don't Eat In.
Or Drink In.
Or Talk Loudly In.

Blondie, upon noticing the look of horror on my face said to me, "Well, I only did this one" and pointed to the larger one on the top, "But Boy Child did these three-", whereupon Boy Child ran up to the car, planted his tiny mitts on the rear quarter panel again and left another hand print. Blondie continued to say, "Well, he did these four".

That is exactly why, two days later, that I didn't mind 'Mater setting them up with a little task I like to call shred-two-years-worth-of-business-paperwork-I-promise-it's-fun-yay-kids!

This is how they felt about it.

And this is why I, ultimately, am the one who lost out on this endeavor.

Even the dog knows I'm dumb and just haven't figured it out yet.

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