Monday, July 15, 2013

Shooting off the mouth for 4th of July!

I've been threatening the children that I will shake them if they don't behave. I'm joking and they 100% know that. Boy Child specifically ASKS me if I can hang him by his toes. So, clearly, they don't feel intimated by my threats. 

However, there are some people that wouldn't immediately understand that I'm joking. Like, say, ooh, most adults out in public.  So I don't say those things to the children in public. Boy Child missed the memo though about what we say in our house doesn't have to repeated in public.

Fourth of July. We are parked by the Food Lion parking lot with, what I assume, was most of the county's residents.  

Boy Child is bored waiting for the fireworks show to begin, which means he expects me to entertain him.  

It was about 95 degrees with 100% humidity and I really wasn't in the mood to wrestle with him so Boy Child screams out "WELL!!!! Why don't you just shake me then? You are always saying you're going to do it!"  

Did I mention that half of the county was parked next to us?  And that there was a lull in the general chaos ensuing around us when he decided to yell this out?  And that no less than 25 pair of eyes looked directly at me...and Then. They. All. Looked. Away...

I think we were shunned.