Friday, July 26, 2013

Mood Ring - Schmood Ring. We have apps for that now

I remember getting my first mood ring from Spencer's and monitoring it constantly to determine my exact mood  at any given moment.  It was very mysterious and magical to me and I thought I was super cool.

This generation of kids don't DO mood rings, they do mood apps. Right before Blondie maxed out my internet data usage for the month, she downloaded an app that will scan your fingertip on the Nook screen and tell you how you are feeling. It's pretty damn accurate. The first time she scanned my finger I was on the phone with 'Mater who was informing me that he wasn't going to be home until 11pm and lo and behold, my scan came back 'angry'.

The children thought that was hysterical. So hysterical that they scanned every single living being in the house, to include the animals. They started with the cat. Oliver, my 20lb mountain lion, read as 'embarrassed'.  I mean, cats do prefer to be mysterious and I'm sure they don't appreciate their mood being broadcasted .

 Coco started off as 'good', which wasn't enough for the kids so they scanned her again. That made Coco 'happy' because she likes attention. The children were excited they got a different read so they scanned her again. At this point, Coco had two hyper children leaning over her, the cat watching her (and judging) and the other dog standing over her staring. Not surprising that Coco's next read came back as 'overwhelmed'.

This just left Wyatt, who's mood read as 'suspicious', and was well warranted, because this is what the kids did to him not 12 hours later. A crown and a cape. Mood?  Embarrassed. 

I'll admit, I'm going to download this app to my phone. It's fun to see 'smug' show as the mood when you've just beat out everyone in the house in a game of MarioKart. 

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