Monday, March 24, 2014

They're Baaaccck!!!!

The kiddos are here for a whole week for Spring Break. It's been near 7 months since I've seen them last and my how fast they change. They've both grown a full two inches and Blondie is now about 5 feet 10 years old, which means she can, and does, wear my jackets and shoes. Last summer I made of point of keeping her fully stocked in flip flops or else mine would go missing. Tonight, I arrived home to find my newest jacket had been snitched. This is fine because probably I'll be able to wear some of her clothes when she gets older. Should any complaints arise, I'll refer her back to her shoe/coat snatching days.

One of my favorite moments with the kiddos has always been dinner. We all sit down to eat and they usually lead the conversation...into some pretty wild topics. Last night, Boy Child was telling me about he, Blondie and Mater all fell asleep on Grandma's couch watching Frozen. I asked him how he got to bed and the following conversation ensued (and I laughed - A LOT)

Me: How'd you get to bed?

Boy Child: Grandma dragged me to bed.  (stated just as calmly as you please)

Me: What?! I'm sure not

           Mater then asked Blondie how she got to bed and she said:

Blondie:  I don't know.

Me: Did you get dragged too?

Blondie: Maybe?

Boy Child: Did you smell the floor? That's how you know. (said with the utmost sincerity). 

I don't know how they come up with this stuff. I mean, I'm sure Grandma didn't drag him to bed, maybe she just gently pulled him across the wood floor, kind of like you do with recalcitrant animals...or sleepy six-year-old boys who don't want to move.